Platinum Erwin Erx 3.5


.erx files are from ERwin 3.5.x days (the 1990's) ERwin 4.x used.er1 files ERwin 7.x and above use.erwin files There have been numerous changes to ERwin over the years, so it isn't surprising to hear that the internal structures of ERwin specif.

Patrick Kennedy ('>pkennedy@Rational.Com)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 13:34:23 EST
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Here's an older note on the subject that talks about Rose 98,
but this is more or less the same for Rose 2000. The link
below is still valid.


1. Rose ERwin Add-in Intro
2. Rose to ERwin, ERwin to Rose
3. ERROR: 'Failed to Initialize ERwin'
4. More HELP

1. Rose ERwin Add-in Intro

All members of the Rational Rose 98 product family include
support for the creation of relational database logical models.
However Rose 98 doesn't provide for reverse engineering of
databases (except for Oracle8 addin which ships with Rose
Enterprise edition). If you need this capibility for tables other
than Oracle8 (or the need to do E-R diagrams) we recommened you use
Rose in conjunction with Logic Works ERwin. There are utilities
available which will convert a ERwin file to a Rose model file.

ERwin forward and reverse engineers databases and generates SQL
schema, triggers and stored procedures for all major SQL and
desktop databases. Through ERwin's Windows interface, users can
draw a graphical, Entity-Relationship (E-R) model of the business
rules governing the data in the application. ERwin can be used to
create the physical models and their implementations on the
relational database. Once the relational database design is
completed, the reverse engineering capabilities can be used to
update the Rational Rose model.

2. Rose to ERwin, ERwin to Rose

There are two directions in which one can exchange data; between
ERwin and Rose, and between Rose and ERwin.


Tools:ERwin Translation Wizard:Translate Model
ERwin Model into Rose

ERwin/Rational Rose Translation Wizard.
This program converts ERwin/ERX version model files into a
Rational Rose model. It converts ERwin Entities, Relationships,
Attributes, and Data Types to Rose Objects, Associations,
Attributes, and Data Types respectively. This program requires
Windows 95 or Windows NT (32-bit environments).

You can obtain the addin directly from the following logicworks site:

Set Transmit Serial Number. Make the radio packet embed the board serial number with each packet of data. Radio.setTransmitSerialNumber(true); Parameters. Transmit: a boolean that, when true, means that the board serial number is included in each transmitted packet. If false, the serial number value is set to 0. Transmit 4 serial no. My goal is to make a system of 4 SoftwareSerial ports. Port1 will receive a burst of 5-10 characters and I will then transmit on eventually Port2,3 & 4. Maybe all or just 1 depending on an operator setting. I made the simplest system to try it where I receive on port1 and display on Serial Monitor.

For Users of ERwin 3.0
ERwin Translation Wizard

For Users of ERwin 3.5
ERwin Translation Wizard


1) You can also use the ERwin add-in to convert Rose models into
ERwin models.

Tools:ERwin Translation Wizard:Translate Model
Rose Model into ERwin

Make sure the classes you wish to generate code for are marked
persistent. Otherwise the translation wizard, willreport success, but
diagram is blank in ERwin.

Additionally, Go to ERwin tab in class specification, and make sure
Type is set to Table or View.

2) Additionally Rational Rose can generate DDL
(data definition language) files that can be captured by ERwin
or other database mapping tools.

In Rose:
Make sure the classes you wish to generate code for are marked
persistent. Otherwise you will wind up with a zero byte file.
Highlight classes, then go to Tools:DDL generation.

In ERwin:
File:Open, List files of type, SQL DDL (*.sql,*.ers)
and open the <filename>.SQL file generated from Rose.

3. ERROR: 'Failed to Initialize ERwin'

'Failed to Initialize ERwin'

This error occurs when trying to use ERwin 3.5 with Rose 98.
The version of the intergration link shipped with Rose is for
ERwin 3.0. To obtain an update for 3.5, please go to the following
logicworks site:

For Users of ERwin 3.0
ERwin Translation Wizard

For Users of ERwin 3.5
ERwin Translation Wizard

4. More HELP

Once you have this addin activated you should find the following
in on line help:
Index tab,

ERwin properties
ERwin to Rose translation
selecting ERwin objets
Selecting the translation direction
setting up programmatic datatype mappings
specifying the ERX file
ERwin Translation Wizard
montoring the translation process
seleting ERwin objects
selecting RTose objects
selecting the translation direction

GPS Data Team has a list of free downloadable voice files for many Sat Nav types. It’s very straightforward and gimmick-free, but mainly only features voices you can get at their original sites as shown above. Occasionally you can find voices on GPS Data Team which may have been available elsewhere for free as a promotion at some stage, but. The Simpsons. Homer and Marge and Mr. Burns are all available as separate voices on Garmin ($10.99 each) or TomTom ($12.95 each) so that when you miss a destination, you get that highly. 'Sound Surfer's custom voices and icons for my Garmin GPS rock my Face!' -Marina G., Lake Tahoe, CA-'My Sound Surfers voice and vehicle icon packages Gps voice bundles were super easy to download — one click and it's done. Not only that, but the voice and vehicle icon packages sound great and are so much fun, they're the first thing I show. 8 Celeb and Character Voices You Can Get on Your GPS. The Terminator is on Waze, but Ah-nold is not the first celeb or character to voice directions. Free sat nav voices uk. Hear voice prompts of these celebrities as a perfect teaching guide in driving directions. Everywhere you turn, someone is telling you where to go. I think it might be fun to have a belligerent voice that yelled at you when you make wrong turns. Really makes driving easier and fun!

or Help, Contents tab,
ERwin Translation Wizard


This addin is not a Rational
product. Logic Works developed and owns the source code for this
addin. Support, defects, usage issue should go thru them.
For more information regarding intergration contact
PLATINUM Technical Support,
USA and Canada call: 800-833-PLAT for help desk
(platium) ERwin support number: 609-514-2020
Other countries, contact your local PLATINUM office
Web site problem form and other ERwin tech support


Patrick Kennedy
Rational Support


I am working for a company using Platinum ERWin for Data modeling.
I am now evaluating how to use Rose for application design modeling.
Is there a way to link these 2 models together ?


Jean Gobbe

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