Flexi Color Picker For Mac
The tag inherits all of the properties of itssuperclass, and the following properties:More examples. FontAntiAliasTypeType: CSS Inheritance: Yes Language Version: ActionScript 3.0Product Version: Flex 3Runtime Versions: Flash9, AIR 1.1Sets the antiAliasType property of internal TextFields. The possible values are'normal' ( flash.text.AntiAliasType.NORMAL)and 'advanced' ( flash.text.AntiAliasType.ADVANCED).The default value is 'advanced', which enables advanced anti-aliasing for the font.Set to 'normal' to disable the advanced anti-aliasing.This style has no effect for system fonts.This style applies to all the text in a TextField subcontrol;you cannot apply it to some characters and not others.The default value is 'advanced'.Related API Elements. FontSharpnessType: CSS Inheritance: Yes Language Version: ActionScript 3.0Product Version: Flex 3Runtime Versions: Flash9, AIR 1.1Sets the sharpness property of internal TextFields that represent text in Flex controls.This property specifies the sharpness of the glyph edges. The possible values are Numbersfrom -400 through 400.This property only applies when you are using an embedded fontand the fontAntiAliasType propertyis set to 'advanced'.This style has no effect for system fonts.This style applies to all the text in a TextField subcontrol;you can't apply it to some characters and not others.The default value is 0.Related API Elements. FontSizeType: Format: Length CSS Inheritance: Yes Language Version: ActionScript 3.0Product Version: Flex 3Runtime Versions: Flash9, AIR 1.1Height of the text, in pixels.In the Halo theme, the default value is 10 for all controls exceptthe ColorPicker control.
The Color Picker is a small floating window through which you can choose colors for text, objects, lines, and other objects (depending on which application you’re in when using it, of course). ColorSnap® collection ordered by Locator Number. Palette Downloads for Adobe Creative Cloud. Right-click link and save file.
For the Halo themed ColorPicker control,the default value is 11. In the Spark theme, the default value is12 for all controls except the ColorPicker control.
For the Sparkthemed ColorPicker control, the default value is 11.ColorPicker. KerningType: CSS Inheritance: Yes Language Version: ActionScript 3.0Product Version: Flex 3Runtime Versions: Flash9, AIR 1.1A Boolean value that indicates whether kerningis enabled ( true) or disabled ( false).Kerning adjusts the gap between certain character pairsto improve readability, and should be used only when necessary,such as with headings in large fonts.Kerning is supported for embedded fonts only.Certain fonts, such as Verdana, and monospaced fonts,such as Courier New, do not support kerning.The default value is false.ColorPicker.
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TextAlignType: CSS Inheritance: Yes Language Version: ActionScript 3.0Product Version: Flex 3Runtime Versions: Flash9, AIR 1.1Alignment of text within a container.Possible values are 'left', 'right',or 'center'.The default value for most components is 'left'.For the FormItem component,the default value is 'right'.For the Button, LinkButton, and AccordionHeader components,the default value is 'center', andthis property is only recognized when thelabelPlacement property is set to 'left' or'right'.If labelPlacement is set to 'top' or'bottom', the text and any icon are centered.ColorPicker. TextFieldClassType: CSS Inheritance: No Language Version: ActionScript 3.0Product Version: Flex 4Runtime Versions: Flash10, AIR 1.5The class implementing IUITextField that is used by this componentto render text.It can be set to either the mx.core.UITextField class(to use the classic TextField class built into Flash Player)or the mx.core.UIFTETextField class(to use the Text Layout Framework to get improved text rendering,including bidirectional layout).The default value is mx.core.UITextField.ColorPicker.
IconColorType: Format: Color CSS Inheritance: Yes Theme: halo Language Version: ActionScript 3.0Product Version: Flex 3Runtime Versions: Flash9, AIR 1.1The color for the icon in a skin.For example, this style is used by the CheckBoxIcon skin classto draw the check mark for a CheckBox control,by the ComboBoxSkin class to draw the down arrow of the ComboBox control,and by the DateChooserMonthArrowSkin skin class to draw the month arrowfor the DateChooser control.The default value depends on the component class;if it is not overridden by the class, the default value is 0x111111.ColorPicker. ColorField:Language Version:ActionScript 3.0Product Version:Flex 3Runtime Versions:Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1Name of the field in the objects of the dataProvider Array thatspecifies the hexadecimal values of the colors that the swatchpanel displays.If the dataProvider objects do not contain a colorfield, set the colorField property to use the correct field name.This property is available, but not meaningful, if thedataProvider is an Array of hexadecimal color values.The default value is 'color'.This property can be used as the source for data binding. When this property is modified, it dispatches the colorFieldChanged event. Implementation public function get colorField: public function set colorField(value:): labelFieldproperty. LabelField:Language Version:ActionScript 3.0Product Version:Flex 3Runtime Versions:Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1Name of the field in the objects of the dataProvider Array thatcontain text to display as the label in the SwatchPanel object text box.If the dataProvider objects do not contain a labelfield, set the labelField property to use the correct field name.This property is available, but not meaningful, if thedataProvider is an Array of hexadecimal color values.The default value is 'label'.This property can be used as the source for data binding. When this property is modified, it dispatches the labelFieldChanged event. Implementation public function get labelField: public function set labelField(value:): selectedColorproperty.
SelectedColor:Language Version:ActionScript 3.0Product Version:Flex 3Runtime Versions:Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1The value of the currently selected color in theSwatchPanel object.In the tag only, you can set this property toa standard string color name, such as 'blue'.If the dataProvider contains an entry for black (0x000000), thedefault value is 0; otherwise, the default value is the color ofthe item at index 0 of the data provider.This property can be used as the source for data binding. When this property is modified, it dispatches the valueCommit event. Implementation public function get selectedColor: public function set selectedColor(value:): selectedIndexproperty. SelectedIndex:overrideLanguage Version:ActionScript 3.0Product Version:Flex 3Runtime Versions:Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1Index in the dataProvider of the selected item in theSwatchPanel object.Setting this property sets the selected color to the color thatcorresponds to the index, sets the selected index in the drop-downswatch to the selectedIndex property value,and displays the associated label in the text box.The default value is the index corresponding toblack(0x000000) color if found, else it is 0.This property can be used as the source for data binding. When this property is modified, it dispatches the collectionChange event.
Implementation override public function get selectedIndex: override public function set selectedIndex(value:): showTextFieldproperty. Event Object Type: property DropdownEvent.type =Language Version:ActionScript 3.0Product Version:Flex 3Runtime Versions:Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1Dispatched when the swatch panel closes.The DropdownEvent.CLOSE constant defines the value of thetype property of the event object for a close event.The properties of the event object have the following values: PropertyValuebubblesfalsecancelablefalsecurrentTargetThe Object that defines theevent listener that handles the event. For example, if you usemyButton.addEventListener to register an event listener,myButton is the value of the currentTarget.targetThe Object that dispatched the event;it is not always the Object listening for the event.Use the currentTarget property to always access theObject listening for the event.triggerEventA value indicating thetype of input action that triggered the event.enterEvent. Event Object Type: property DropdownEvent.type =Language Version:ActionScript 3.0Product Version:Flex 3Runtime Versions:Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1Dispatched when the color swatch panel opens.The DropdownEvent.OPEN constant defines the value of thetype property of the event object for a open event.The properties of the event object have the following values: PropertyValuebubblesfalsecancelablefalsecurrentTargetThe Object that defines theevent listener that handles the event. For example, if you usemyButton.addEventListener to register an event listener,myButton is the value of the currentTarget.targetThe Object that dispatched the event;it is not always the Object listening for the event.Use the currentTarget property to always access theObject listening for the event.triggerEventA value indicating thetype of input action that triggered the event.