Halo Combat Evolved Console Commands

On the level Control Room, defeat all enemies after using the tank. Move forward and down the last tunnel (where the wraith fires from atop of). After successfully defeating the enemies, move to the other side of the cave and head to the left edge of the room. If performed right a Grunt will be asleep on the edge of the level.Submitted by: kyotifuljet12 Hidden Area In the chapter where you must find Capt. Keyes in the swamp, there is a secret area you can access right from the beginning.When Foe Hammer says “The Last transmission from the captain's drop ship was from this area. That was over twelve hours ago.” immediately start pressing your grenade throw button.

Whatever you do, DON'T MOVE! After a few seconds, the drop ship will take back off, and you'll still be in it. It flies for about 20 seconds then crashes. Exit the drop ship.Now walk directly away from the ship until you reach a clearing. Head towards the center and out of the fog you'll see a lone marine standing there! He won't move or say anything, unless you shoot him in the foot with your pistol.How to Reach the Top of Truth and Reconciliation Play on co-op, go to the gravity lift, kill all aliens, when you are done don't go onto the gravity lift. Go to the upper left side to the single tree that is between a big boulder and a little boulder.

Have your partner jump on the big boulder then jump on your partners head and on to the tree. Get high as you can in the tree, then keep killing your partner and turning until they re-spawn on top of your head. Then jump on top of the ledge and kill your partner to pop them up next to you.Hidden Music In assault on the control room near the end of the level on the rock road there will be a banshee steal the banshee and look behind you.

If you look up you will see 3 sniper spots a bottom, middle, and top go to the middle one with the banshee land carefully and go to the right side and look at the blue light wait a while and you will hear a hidden track. Rex in Blood On the last level the Maw, on the last checkpoint, when you go off the big jump onto the small bridge,drive the warthog so a quarter of it is off the bridge. Jump on top of the warthog and jump on top of the wall on either side (the one closest to you) and follow it up to an upper, smaller bridge. There are two hall ways and go in the one with blood in it. Look to the right and you will find the name Rex written in blood. What does it mean?Attack On The Control Room Glitch When you are going back through the 'Attack On The Control Room' stage, your objective is to destroy all the generators. The moment you or your partner gets close to the last generator, the flood will kill you.Instead, exploit the co-op system to your advantage.

C) The Commands Okay, this is the list of commands that comes up when you press the 'Tab' key, their proper usage, and their function. Cls Proper Use: cls Function: Clears the console output screen. Mouseacceleration Proper Use: mouseacceleration Function: Turns on or off the mouse acceleration.

Notice that on co-op, when one of you is further ahead then the other player, the lagging player is warped ahead. At the hallway before the last generator, spend a moment and practice finding the warp spot, now when you're sure you've located this spot have one player stand a step away from the spot that will cause the other player to warp.Have the player that will warp go deactivate the last generator. Now as soon as the surge occurs, have the player in the hallway cause the warp and both players can leave relatively unscathed.Megg ('M' in Bullets) 'The Megg' is one of the hardest easter eggs in Halo. After all once you see the Megg, its game over. Start a game on the Pillar of Autumn while on legendary difficulty. Jump on the cryo tube Master Chief comes out of.

Jump on the shield rechargerthing. Then, jump on the walkway. You'll see some barrels.

Jump on the top one. Wait for that guy that woke you up to die, then jump down. Get to the captain and shoot him.

As soon as Cortana says, 'rampant', find the door the invincible marines came out of. If you can get past them, another door will open. The Marines can't get you while you're in here. Look up at the 'M' made out of bullets. After you see it you're trapped and the marines now can kill you.Falling without losing life When falling from high distances your shield or isdepleted when you hit the ground.

If you hold thecrouch button shortly before you hit the ground, youwill not be affected in any way. This is very helpfulwhen playing in on like Hang 'emHigh or Prisoner.

It has to be timed right though.More Guns On The Pillar of Autumn On the level 'The Pillar of Autumn' on Easydifficulty, get to Captain Keyes as quickly aspossible. When he hands you his pistol run out to thebridge and down the corridor where you load thepistol. If the glitch is done correctly, you shouldn'tload the pistol, and the 3 Grunts shouldn't be at theend of the corridor.Continue and pick up the Assault Rifle from the deadmarine's body lying in the doorway then kill theElites and Grunts and pick up a Plasma Pistol orPlasma Rifle. Go back to the corridor where you weresupposed to load the pistol and keep back-tracking.Eventually, you should load the pistol and the 3Grunts at the end of the corridor should appear.

Youwill now have the pistol, the Assault Rifle and thePlasma Pistol/Rifle. Easier Play on All Difficulties Play a game on Co-Op mode and have one the players stay back, out of range of combat. With the other player, progress through the level and engage in combat. If that player dies he will be instantly teleported back to the second player that is just standing around in a safe spot.Easily Defeat Hunter Enemies Equip the pistol and go behind a Hunter enemy. You'll see an orange spot on their back - hit the orange spot once and the Hunter will die.Stealthiest Cloak During multi player, when you get a cloak item andturn invisible you can do things to make yourself evenless visible. The slower you move the harder it is forenemies to spot you.

As well, if radars are turned on,stand completely still and you will not show up onenemy motion trackers. Perfect stealth. Assault on the Control Room Shortcut Bug When on 'Assault on the Control Room', there is aglitch to get through final door easily. Commandeer aGhost or Banshee and fly slowly beside the door.

Jumpout of the vehicle in the direction of the door. Ifdone correctly, you should be able to get pushedthrough the door by the dismount animation.Accurate Assault Rifle When playing with the Assault Rifle, the mostaccurate way to kill a enemy is with the three-roundburst. To do this, just repeaditly tap the firebutton.

It should give a series of short blasts thatcome in handy when low on ammo, and offer more accuracy compared to just holding the firetrigger. Silent Cartographer Shorcut - Squally's Jump In 'The Silent Cartographer' there is a sizeableshortcut. It involves a large jump which can easliykill you, but, with an Overshield, saves you sometime.First off, when you battle at the entrance to the mainbuilding on the island (the one where the door becomeslocked shut), make sure to leave the nearbyOvershield. After you have unlocked the door, return,and still do not use the Overshield. Kill the Jackalsand hunters, then finally grab the Overshield. Fromthere, enter the base, and hang a right to thestructure jutting out from the wall.

Here you can seeeach of the levels of the compound. Take good aim, andjump to the second lowest level. If done right,you will lose all of your Overshield, but you willland on the level above the Silent Cartographer. Fromhere, peer over the ledge where the edge of theplatform changes direction. Below you is anotherOverhield.

Simply drop down onto theOvershield, and not only will you still be alive, butyour shields will be at 300% once again. Turn aroundyou'll be at the Silent Cartographer!

Halo custom edition commands

Always Have Ghost in Assault on the Control Room Right after you have to abondon the tank, take aGhost and go next to the door that you need to inorder to finish the level. You'll find that the doorwon't open while on the Ghost, so get off your Ghostand the door will open. Before it closes again, getback on your Ghost and go through. One Hit Elite Death Have you ever wondered if it is possible to kill anElite easily? When you come to an Elite pacing aroundthe room, time how fast he paces by hiding behind ashield or a glass window, stay at a safe distance, orjust hide behind a corner. Once you are sure you knowwhen he will turn around, run up behind him and usethe melee attack to bash the Elite on the back,instantly klling him (note that if you did not do itcorrectly, it will turn around and attack you).

Thiscomes in handy alot on 'Attack on the Control Room'and on Legendary Difficulty. Random Messages Go to create a new account and type in.fortune for a name. As soon as the name iscompleted, a random message will appear on the screen. Re-enter the name for another message.Get a Ghost Through the Broken Blast Door During the Two Betrayals level, the Master Chiefcomes upon a broken blast door and is 'forced' toabandon his Ghost and face the Flood on foot. To getthe Ghost through the door, line it up backwards withthe hole in the door; allow the tail to stick outslightly through the hole. Leave it there.

Now go backand get the Warthog, and use the Warthog to ram theGhost through the crack. Hit it at a 45 degree angleto wedge it through. Refill Ammo Glitch When using human weapons, you can reload them andnot waste your ammo supply by starting the reloadsequence and then immediately swapping it for anotherweapon that's on the floor. Wait for the reloadingsound to finish and then pick up your weapon, and youwill see that it has reloaded without using yourreserved ammo. Double Beat Trick Everybody knows that melee attacking someone can domassive amounts of damage. This double beat trick canbe handy, especially if you have plasma grenades. Beatonce, and right afterwards, throw a grenade and pressX again to beat.

You should beat twice in a row veryquickly and throw a grenade. On Top Of The World On the Silent Cartographer level, go anywhere where there is an overshield, and bring a warthog with you. It's best to do this in co-op because it's easier to collect the grenades and 'initiate launch-off'. Get as many grenades as you can, and have your partner kill you, and vice-versa to get the grenades into one big pile. (Make sure this is.near. an overshield.) Drive the warthog onto the grenades and try to position it to where it would fly up on top of the level. Before you do anything else, make sure you get a checkpoint.

Have your buddy pick up a grenade and toss it under the warthog, and RIGHT as he throws it, pick up the overshield and get into the warthog quick. If you get into the warthog while the overshield is charging, you should get blasted upward unharmed. You should reach the top of the level.

If not, reposition the warthog, or get more grenades. When you're up there, kill your friend with the plasma pistol from long range, and he should appear up there with you.

Have fun!Early Banshee Trick In 'Assault on the Control Room,' you can get a banshee shortly after the tank. Take the sniper rifle and the rocket launcher. Clear the enemies, and thengo to the boulder on the right side of the tunnel. Look up and you will see a rock bridge.

Now, while still looking up, start moving forward until you see a platform coming out of the wall. Zoom in with the sniper rifle to the center of the platform, and then without moving change to the launcher and fire.

Abanshee will fall off the ledge, and you can use it.Assault Banshee Trick Get the banshee and fly until you get to Canyon B,where a covenant dropship comes down with two ghostson it. Go up to the top of the center spire and takethe other banshee. (If you are playing on co-op mode,push the other banshee off the cliff for your partnerto use.) Destroy all remaining forces in the area,then fly through the tunnel to the area where younormally have to leave the tank. Save the marines andfly your banshee over the brown building that has thepillars at its base. Kill the covenant, then insteadof going through the door, fly up to the bridgesoverhead. One bridge will have two green doors. Gothrough either door.

Now there will be no enemies, andthere will be all except mortar tanks at yourdisposal. This trick can help a little on Legendarymode. Talking Grunt WARNING: You may need to restart this stage ifyou pursue this Easter egg.In the last level of Halo: Combat Evolved, you'll arrive at a secondgrouping of tunnels after the dropship pickup goes awry.Take the first tunnel on your right and there should be a fork leading to a dead-end half way through. If you head partly that way, you can hear a grunt talking about something phenomenally droll.Clear Alien Drop Parties When facing a drop ship, aim at the hatch that the enemies will come out of while the ship is descending.Your crosshair will turn red when you target an enemy (inside the dropship).

This means you can shoot the enemies in the ship while it is still trying to land. You can get rid of a lot of enemies before the dropship deposits its soldiers, making the fight easier later on!Alternate Ending Beat on Legendary to see a slightly longer ending movie.

Is a mod (perhaps even the only one) for the Mac release of Halo that addresses compatibility issues with later operating systems and adds support for hosting and playing on custom maps (Custom Edition was not released for the Mac). Note that non-Mac users as well as Mac users with systems too old to run MD can join MD servers buy ensuring they have the (base game, not Custom Edition) and by manually joining a server on. There is even a script for non-MD Mac users assist in hosting MD maps. Note that this too does not run on 10.15 'Catalina', at least for now. CMT SPV3. Use Chimera.

Install. Open chimera.ini. Under videomode, change;enabled=1 to enabled=1. Change width=800 and height=600 as needed (e.g. Width=1920, height=1080). Start the game and press to open the in-game console.

Type in chimerawidescreenfix true to fix the scaling of HUD, menu, and text elements for wider aspect ratios. Type in chimerafov auto to set an automatic FOV. Type in chimerablockletterbox true to disable the letterbox effect in cutscenes. Press again to close the console.

Use haloThirdFov.exe. Download. Extract haloThirdFov.exe from halothirdfov.zip and copy it to. Make sure the game executable file is named haloce.exe.

If it isn't rename it accordingly. Run haloThirdFov.exe and then run haloce.exe while haloThirdFov.exe is kept open. Use.

and / on numpad to switch fov between original and manual. Use + and - on numpad to adjust fov. You can also change the default keys and set FOV manually on haloThirdFov.exe. Recommended FOV is 86 degrees for 16:9 aspect ratio, and 80 degrees for 16:10.

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