Doki Doki Best Ending
The Good Ending is a Doki Doki Literature Club mod that is just.. holy fuck it'sso good. Every DDLC fan should play this. It's completely linear, but the story might be even stronger than the original game.The prologue and act 1 are out so far. The premise of the prologue is that the Dokis have experienced the horrible events ofDDLC countless times with their memories wiped (my interpretation is that it happens again whenever a new person plays DDLC),but this time MC of all people manages to resist the mind wipe and knows that it's a game. He takes Monika's ability to tamperwith the world and tries to make everyone happy. But his strategy is a naive and misguided one, and there's a threat he doesn'tunderstand..
The mod boasts music from the Monika Before Story OST (read: really good music), and alot of really interesting new poems.
Doki Doki Literature Club - Monika Ending. Written by Vimbert / Oct 14, 2017 Other DDLC Guides: Walkthrough (Girl Guide). How to Unlock Monika's Bonus Route. Secrets Guide. Monika Route This is where the boys start getting separated from the men. Monika's ending is extremely difficult to achieve; I still haven't nailed down the exact sequence.
Another really cool thing about this mod is the huge array of hidden and cryptic messages in the game's files - staying faithfulto the original game, only perhaps making it even better. (Definitely keep an eye on the game directory while playing.) It goesas far as PGP encrypted files, vigenere ciphers, and also, the dreaded symbol '158'.. What could it mean? I got goosebumps justthinking about this '158' after I finished the prologue. That's how good a job it did.
I'll detail below all the secrets I've found in the game files. Most of them are under /game/mod_assets/animations/zxfip-m/.
Dear Player.txt is a textfile that reads:
My theory is that Monika wrote this after the normal ending of the original game but before this mod. It seems at first to be a plothole that she said she couldn't make changes on my computer anymore but managed to write this, but you could argue maybe the thoughts sort of spilled out of her mind and got written to a file by 'the game'. After all, some of the files in the original game seem best explained by that.
sayori.chr is a PGP private/public key pair, and the plaintext in the file 'youarethekeytomyheart' is the password to unlock it.
mc.chr (only visible under /game/mod_assets/animations/zxfip-m/chr-file-bkup/) is a PGP message decryptable with Sayori's key. It reads:
natsuki.chr is an enormous ASCII art image that looks like the fully decoded version of her .png from the original game.
monika.chr, in addition to the plaintext poem and the line of base64 text far at the bottom (which decodes to 'iamamonster'), contains another PGP message. It's signed with the key 'moni' (see below), although you don't need the key to read it.Regardless, it reads:
yuri.chr is base64 text that decodes to.. more base64 text! You put it through the decoder twice to get the final message. The final message reads:
ed,zinger suivante,Tels handknits finisH,cagefuls basinlike bag octopodan,imbossing vaporEttos rorid easygoingnesses nalorphines,benzol respond washerwomen brisTlecone,parajournalism herringbone faRnarkeled,episodically cooties,initiallers bimetallic,leased hinters,confidence teetotaller compUTerphobes,pinnacle exotically overshades prothallia,posterior gimmickry brassages bediapers countertrades,haslet skiings sandglasses cannoli,carven nis egomaniacal,barminess gallivanted,southeastward,oophoron crumped,tapued noncola colposcopical,dolente trebbiano revealment,outworked isotropous monosynaptic excisional moans,enterocentesis jacuzzi preoccupations,hippodrome outward googs,tabbises undulators,metathesizing,sharia prepostor,neuromast curmudgeons actability,archaise spink reddening miscount,madmen physostigmin statecraft neurocoeles bammed,tenderest barguests crusados trust,manshifts darzis aerophones,reitboks discomposingly,expandors,monotasking galabia,pertinents expedients witty,chirographies cracHach unsatisfactoriness swerveless,flawed sepulchred thanksgiver scrawl skug,perorate strIngers gelatine flagstones,chuses conceptualization surrejoined,counterblasts rache,numerative,delirifacientS methylthionine,mantram dynamist atomised,eternization percalines Hryvnias pragmatizing,reproachfulnesses telework nowts demoded revEaler,burnettize caryopteris subangular wirricows,transvestites sinicized narcissus,hikeRs meno,degassing,postcrises alikenesses,sycophancy seroconverting insure,yantras raphides cliftiest bosthoon,zootherapy chlorides nationwidE schlub yuri,timeshares castanospermine backspaces reincite,coactions cosignificative palafitte,poofters subjunctions,aquarian,theralite revindicating,cynosural permissibilities narcotising,journeywork outkissed clarichords troutier,myopias undiverting evacuations snarier superglue,deaminise infirmaries teff hebephrenias,brainboxes homonym lancelet,lambitive stray,inveigled,acetabulums atenolol,dekkos scarcer flensed,abulias flaggers wammul boastfully,galravitch happies interassociation multipara augmentations,teratocarcinomata coopting didakai infrequently,hairtails intricacy usuals,pillorise outrating,cataphoresis,furnishings leglen,goethite deflate butterburs,phoneticising winiest hyposulphuric campshirts,chainfalls swimmings roadblocked redone soliloquies,broking mendaciousness parasitisms counterworld,unravellings quarries passionately,onomatopoesis repenting,ramequin,mopboard euphuistically,volta sycophantized allantoides,bors bouclees raisings sustaining,diabolist sticks dole liltingly,curial bisexualisms siderations hemolysed,damnabilities unkenneling halters,peripheral congaing,diatomicity,foolings repayments,hereabouts vamosed him,slanters moonrock porridgy monstruous,heartwood bassoonist predispositions jargoon dominances,timidest inalienable rewearing inevitably,entreating retiary tranquillizing,uniparental droogs,allotropous,forzati abiogenetic,obduration exempted unifaces,epilating calisaya dispiteously coggles,vestmented flukily ignifying complished hiccupy municipalize,pentagraphs parcels sutler excavates,stardust miscited thankfulness,fouter pertused,overpacks,guarishes hylotheism,pi
Whitegemgames pointed out in the comments that this isn't exactly the top part of the gibberish poem from Act 2. Letters have been capitalized spelling 'THETRUTHSHERE'.Natsuki's base64 poem decodes to a PGP private/public key pair called 'moni'. It's ascii armored twice though, so you have to remove the first layer before GPG can import it (I used gpg --dearmor). The passphrase is 'iamamonster'.
In the game's script, right after Natsuki's base64 poem, there's a commented-out line of base64 that translated to ASCII text under a substitution cipher. Using frequency analysis, I decoded it to:
oracle.txt is a base64 encoded PNG of a QR code leading to The only notable thing about the thread is the comment by /u/Sayori_Is_Life,which is 'moni' followed by a PGP message encyrpted by the key. It reads:
goaway.txt is a file that reads:
D-7%t0x@.txt is a file that reads:
######.txt is a simple file that reads:
Autumn's Kiss.txt is a file that reads:
158.txt is a JFIF image of an eye.
hxlpmx.txt is an ASCII art image of an eye. The numbers '158' appear below it.
x.txt is a file that reads:
A rotating wheel. Turning an axle. Grinding. Bolthead. Linear gearbox. Falling sky. Seven holy stakes. A docked ship. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A portal to another world. A PORTAL TO ANOTHER WORLD.
ourgreatescape.txt is text encoded with a Vigenere cipher, the key being 'Libitina'. This one took me a long time to figure out because I thought that the 'L..' atthe top was part of the message, but it's actually just a hint at what the key is. It reads:
Full list of splash messages:
- please help us
- 158 sees all
- Naught but 158 can take my love from me
- I sit by the edge of a treacherous cliff and throw stones.
- This game This game This game This game Th
- Despite all of it thank you so much
- I promise we will be free
- How did you find this, anyway?
- Nothing else is quite like this
- There's nothing you can do but watch
- We are all blind in here
- Nothing can save him now
- Great darkness resides in this place
I don't know if you already saw it on your initial playthrough, but the game's menu screen changes throughout the game. After MClashes out at Monika the first time, there's a line of code that sets a flag called 'tippingpoint', with the comment 'Ithappened here', and Monika is removed from the main menu. After you find her dead, the flag 'hatred' is set, with the comment'Who are you to judge? Would you have been any different?' and the main menu shows everyone as a ghost with the logo replacedwith tge-logo2.png.
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can be found in the game files, which is a 7zip archive that requires a password. Digging more inthe game directory reveals thekey.png
. Breaking this code was a pretty fun challenge and I encourage you to try ityourself, but incase you don't have time:
Rewatch Value 6.0 Gritty but not messy, dark but not borderline excessive. This movie started out with a concept and it delivered accordingly. Cinematography and acting was on point.The plot was very well written, practically no flaws, at least no major discrepancies. From how it started to how it unfolded, the pacing to the plot twists were written in a way that it was either unpredictable or when it was it was an engaging/thrilling anticipation.The characterizations were relatively good, although I wish the 'bad guy' had more depth to him and more reasoning to his behavior rather than being somewhat of a straw villain, otherwise this would've been at least a 9.5/10 for me.They wrapped it all up pretty good and I can't have imagined it turning out any other way and it being as satisfying albeit a tad noir.P.s.
They could've done without the disgusting scene to be honest, or just not show it in graphic detail. Rewatch Value 1.0 This should be rated no higher than 6/10 but typical K-fandom and visual obsession means their ratings start from 7 and onward, anything lower and they feel as if they've betrayed their religion or something.This drama's plot was lackluster at best and irritatingly lazy at worst. The characterizations were so dull and one dimensional that they may as well have just told the viewers how to feel about each character upon introduction. The acting was either stiff or unnatural.
Sure it capitalizes on cutesy romance but it tries to be too many things at the same time and while using a whole bunch of tropes just as some weird sprinkles on top of the mess.The male lead was an anime/manga fan which was appealing, and the references were decent but the pure cringe from how he behaves and represents it was not. The female lead was cringey in more ways than I would like to remember.The female lead's friends had one toxic bitch that they just blew out of proportion and almost tried to justify it, made me go from being bored to just being irritated with this, but finished it out of completionism. And of course, the female lead trying to be the nicest person in the world irritated me as well.It felt like the entire purpose of this was to advertise Korea's most sexually abused, oppressed and degraded career and then glorifying it visuals. Cinematography was good, the music was as dull as the plot. Rewatch Value 2.0 I felt like this was a little too dragged out. The plot twists just kept getting more and more predictable, initial concept kept getting stretching out to the point where it almost felt like no one remembered who they were at the beginning.The acting was decent, Kwon Nara while being seriously hot, her acting could use some improvement, she felt a little artificial. The cinematography was good, and the story was okay.
The premise was good while the delivery was a bit dragged out as it expanded, eventually it became a bit boring.Music was decent, nothing too memorable though. The casting was good, as the characters were represented pretty well and the characterizations had some reasonable depth to them,Can't say this was great, maybe it were a movie it would've been phenomenal but as a drama, they just stretched the plot out to almost inconsistent levels. Rewatch Value 8.0 When plot is just as good as the visuals you get a certain sense of satisfaction in believing that every reviewer was perhaps actually rating it based on the plot, lol.Anyhow, the plot was actually pretty good, how it played out or was delivered was also pretty good. Characterizations were good and endearing all in their own ways. Casting was good and none too focused on visuals.The cinematography was good.
Basically, it was overall a good movie to watch, and I'm glad it was a movie because if it were dragged out in a drama it would've failed miserably. Pacing was good for a movie. Rewatch Value 3.0 It's like if there was Gong Yoo, Kim Woo Bin, or some mainstream attractive lead then it's going to be a 10/10 for majority K-fans. It doesn't matter if the plot focused around the cast pissing in a well and laughing about it.Anyway, in terms of cinematography this was great. Plot twists were delivered pretty well.
The storytelling aspect, perhaps could've used a little improvement instead of just trying to be pretentious and excessively 'cool'. Characterizations, more like Kim Woo Bin pedestals, I mean most of them were there just to make him look better.The casting was done in a way that no one could be allowed even near match the shine of the lead, lol.
But oh well, it's made to appeal to K-fangirls.I'm not saying it's all bad though, I mean it was done relatively well but it just focused on visuals a little too much and that's what anyone and everyone cares about apparently. Since I rate based on the material, I can't go any higher than 6.5.
Rewatch Value 5.0 This is like the ONLY kind of role Gong Hyo Jin can do properly. An awkward, overburdened character with no hope of character development.
And you know what? She delivered on it this time.The story was relatively thrilling in the aspect that I was at the edge of my seat worrying what would happen next. Again, another good thing. Cinematography was decent and not too many shaky cam nonsense.Overall I would say, they wrapped it up pretty well, I sympathized with and hated the antagonist here all at the same time, and another plus I guess. Rewatch Value 1.0 This movie is just excessive altogether. Yes, I liked how it was a fence-sitter for a while between insanity and secrecy. But how it went on to deliver that was through BORDERLINE over-the-top disgusting and redundant behavior.Sure, no one suspects the mentally handicapped person, but at a certain point you go from avoiding attention to gaining attention.
What pisses me off is how many people had themselves convinced that this was the right way for it to go and gave this a full 10/10.I mean, CLEARLY they could've done better, CLEARLY there was no need to make this audaciously insulting to the mentally handicapped.The action scenes weren't great, it felt like some typical action anime live-action. The SFX were really bad at times. Honestly, this felt more like South Korea just overall mocking North Koreans.Cinematography was decent. Rewatch Value 1.0 Hwang Jung Ming tends to be way too edgy honestly. This movie could've done well without his over-the-top hard-ass behavior really.
There were cases where instead of being inspiring he chose to just be a douche and for some reason the movie played it off as something that should be inspiring.Not much I can say about this movie, clearly being that I didn't specifically enjoy the movie. The cinematography was good though. The characterizations and the casting wasn't.The plot wasn't bad but it could've been delivered better, especially how it went on to become more engaging and a much more emotional story. Rewatch Value 2.0 This had so much potential, it started off with so much originality but why, WHY would it drown itself in tropes/cliches when it was doing so well. Sigh.The acting was okay, slightly on the stiff side at times but not too bad I guess. Using characters as disposable plot devices was not good either.
Good cinematography and music.It seems that if it's a soppy romance drama with decent visuals, every K-fan will drool all over it and throw around daebak (cringe) and 10/10s.Fun fact, I have Korean friends and even they don't DAEEBAKGKG as much as these people. Rewatch Value 5.0 The casting for the leads could've been a little better I guess, because the two are relatively stiff actors and they could've utilized actors with a bit more in repertoire.Story and how it was delivered was pretty well done, although there were a few points left neglected. Plot twist was relatively unexpected and very much welcomed.Good cinematography and good story telling. With just a little more effort this could've actually broken the charts, the female lead was very lovable. Rewatch Value 2.0 Feels like a slightly better iteration of Violent Prosecutor. The casting was kind of dull, but the lead played his character relatively well I guess, albeit a little stiff.Cinematography was good.
The plot was mediocre to be honest, it could've been better. The delivery was relatively good. Can't remember if the music was good or not, I guess it was bad.
Overall I guess it's not a bad movie to watch after a long day, or maybe that's just me.If this isn't a mixed review I don't know what it is, lol. Rewatch Value 1.0 The entire plot was hole by itself. SFX was cringey and could've been better. The characterizations were one dimensional and dull.In all honesty I'm just glad this was a movie and not a drama, otherwise I would've dropped this at around episode 2-3. Because it already felt too long while being a standalone movie.The cinematography was decent I guess. The casting was proportionate to the acting it demanded - mediocre. Overall nothing special about this at all, but at least it wasn't insultingly bad, so there's that.
Rewatch Value 1.0 Sigh, I swear to god at this point I have just decided to drop anything with Gong Hyo Jin in it. Her acting and her horrendous singular facial expression makes me want to tear my face out.Yet again, second leads and support roles save whatever hell she's in. Ryu Joon Yeol as pure badass stole the movie, had goosebumps when his switch flipped. Jo Jung Suk's character development acting style was very engaging.Cinematography was very good, SFX were good.Shift+Delete Gong Hyo Jin and this would be a 10/10. Rewatch Value 10 Typical K-fandom, this should be at least a 9/10 but since no handsome oppas to drench their underwear to, and no shallow forced romance for them to ogle - it serves them no good anymore.The story was very well done, the progression was done very smoothly, plot twists were not too predictable but even when they were, they were delivered very well.Acting was very convincing, the cinematography was great. The romance while being tempting, the way it fell off showed a lot about her inner guilt.This is a 10/10 or at least a 9.5/10 in my book, perhaps it may have a few areas in need of improvement, maybe the music, I don't know - but as far as story is concerned, it was done well.
Rewatch Value 8.5 The plot so far has been pretty good. The premise was great to epic proportions, it's something very unique and on a scale that is absolute grandiose but all in a good way. The cinematography and the casting are absolutely on point. The SFX for a 2019 drama could've been somewhat better but not going to complain.The characterizations have a decent amount of depth and some very engagingly so, but some characters are purely one dimensional with nothing to explain their behavior from their arrival to the show and to their departure.Delivery of the story has been great so far, but one could only wish to see the protagonist more often and sometimes the political campaigns feel a bit blown out of proportion and at times very dragged out.
But I understand world building is very important, but the problem is that unless they go for another full season or in other words 3 chapters, it would be very hard to wrap this up in a satisfying and convincing way.The action scenes are great but sometimes not very well coordinated. It's almost as if there was a perfectionist on set sometimes and other times they just leave it at good enough.All in all, from the way it expands the story to developing it's characters it has been doing a good job. It's very political although it's not modern politics, so I can't say everyone would've enjoyed this, and perhaps some feel it's tedious but stick to it for the great performances of the actors/actresses.Hopefully there will be more of this and there will be more dramas like this in the future that break from the norm.Edit: They wrapped this up pretty well and declared another season. Really excited to see where they go with this and when they'll start airing.Only gripe is that they kind of spoiled a little too much at the preview of what's to come, at the end of the last episode.