Colorthink Pro V3 Color Analysis Software For Mac

Continuing on the in-demand software for automatically finding harmonic patterns, this is the third and most likely final version of the indicator known as the 'Harmonic Pattern Finder'. It addresses many of the issues found from the prior iterations, including bug fixes and other improvements. Furthermore, the code is extensively refactored such that it should be straightforward for other programmers to integrate their own custom extensions or create an EA based on the pattern matching algorithm.

For those who do not know harmonic patterns – it is a method of technical analysis based on Fibonacci ratios in the markets and patterns made of these. Kind of like patterns such as triangles and double tops, but with precise measurements which makes computerized measuring tools especially appealing for trading these patterns. Currently, there are two earlier versions of this indicator in the codebase for MQL5 (V1:, V2:

ColorThink Pro adds major features to the award-winning ColorThink software toolset. While most tools have been updated and enhanced, the biggest changes are the Color Worksheet, the ColorSmarts Guide and in the Graphing and Profile Inspector tools.

Some highlights from this new one include:

  • Efforts to reduce the amount of screen clutter through adjustable means of selecting what should be displayed.
  • Double clicking any part of a pattern will now highlight it along with detailed analytical information like harmonic reversal ratios and temporal aspects.
  • Multiple zigzag selection has been dropped in favor of a single embedded one identical to the ATR ZigZag ( This means that no one should face installation issues as long as all files are placed in the same folder.
  • Collection of statistical information makes it possible to see how well a pattern has performed in the past.
  • The ratios for 'anti-patterns' should now be correct.

So just go ahead and download it as its usage is pretty intuitive. It is recommended to use a black background or else you will need to set a visible color scheme in the indicator settings. For detailed technical information about the indicator continue reading after the image. For questions feel free to post in the forum or send a PM.

Double clicking a pattern makes it stand out from the rest (purple) and shows detailed statistics, timing and PRZ information that can be useful for evaluating a trade.

Screen clutter reduction

Apart from the interactivity features, one can in the settings choose if the indicator should:
  • Fill patterns visually or just show the line segments
  • Show pattern descriptions. Enabled by default which causes the specific names and points of a pattern to be drawn.
  • Show emerging patterns. This is enabled by default and shows the future projections necessary to anticipate a trade opportunity.
  • Show old patterns. This is enabled, but causes the indicator to draw already completed patterns – which strictly speaking is not always necessary.
  • Show 'one-ahead' projections. Though disabled by default, enabling this option causes the indicator to become more responsive than the zigzag and projects patterns ahead of the current swing
  • Draw soft projections. This is a mode of visualizing projected patterns that is minimally cluttering using colors that blend in to the background scheme.
  • Show the comment box. This occupies the upper left of the chart and gives statistical information.

Pattern filtration engine

Different traders have different rules for determining whether or not a pattern is worth trading. Many theories exist, we shall not go through each of them here. The indicator adopts a 'holistic' matching approach checking if each pattern ratio is within acceptable bounds set by a slack setting. However due to feedback from users, it is now possible to filter out patterns and projections where the potential reversal zone only consists of slack. A different, independent filtration method allows to filter out patterns that complete too early or too late based on measurements of the duration of the X-B segment compared to the B-D segment, or A-B to C-D for ABCD patterns.

Does this not suit your needs? Well if you know how to code then it is possible to write custom 'filtration' rules, as explained below.

Statistical data

Based on the history of the current instrument, the indicator will remember which and how often a pattern fails or succeeds to reverse in the PRZ. This information can be gleaned in the comment box, which shows messages such as 'F. Bear. New Cypher Prob. 60.00 (6 S / 4 F)'. The first letter merely asserts whether or not the pattern has recently been clicked (F.), failed (O.), succeeded (P.), or tested the PRZ (T.). Next comes the direction and pattern name, before the statistical reversal chance is shown, in this case 60%. This is calculated from the history which has 6 successes and 4 failures of the pattern, shown if double clicking it. But by all means, keep in mind that past performance does not necessarily predict future results :)

Still, I know it will never be nearly as useful to me as Screenshot plus, the Kuler widget, and Pandora, which is the best ever use of a Webclip.I know it's more than you asked for, but I thought I'd name some things that could be useful to you too. Mac colour picker app. Sorry everybody, but the 'DigitalColor Meter' is not the Color Picker. Color Picker is the panel which comes up in a Cocoa application when you want to chose a colour.

Customizing the indicator


As stated, the indicator is extensively refactored and takes into account MQL5's object oriented features such as classes and interfaces. The indicator now consists of multiple files and has the architecture shown in the following UML diagram.

Do you want to create an EA? Well then you can implement an own 'CHPFMatchProcessor', give it to the matching algorithm, and call it like the indicator currently does, which is to feed it the zigzag arrays and wait for responses. The matching algorithm will call the match-processor for each match found in the zigzag data, determining if a pattern is matched, overshot, or undershot (projected). This is what must be passed on to EA logic.

Need custom filtration or observation rules? A filtration would be to for example ignore patterns where the RSI isn't right or the XA segment is too straight. Then it should be as easy as writing an implementation of the 'CHPFFilter' interface and plug it into the list of filters; the current time and purity filters are explanatory. An observation rule would for example be to send a push message or sound an alert whenever a pattern is matched. This can be accomplished in a similar way by implementing the 'CHPFObserver' interface.


This indicator is a joint work between Andre Enger and David Gadelha


  • 3.1: Corrected a syntax error for compatibility with MetaTrader build 1940 and above.
  • 3.2: The tooltip on the line from X to D should now display the most relevant ratio for the specific pattern.

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It also reduces the costs of realization of a plant and improves the quantity and quality of agricultural production. IrriPro is the most advanced software on the market capable of designing irrigation systems of any complexity and size in an easy, powerful, innovative and productive way.

IrriPro is the only software that let you design an irrigation system only by drawing the elements: now it's possible, thanks to the INDO technology (Irrigation Network Data Object) developed by Irriworks, to draw the elements of a system (such as emitters, pipes) and of a terrain, not only as edge and nodes, but as objects containing hydraulic characteristics, geometries, materials and GIS information. Besides the technicians can perform their surveys directly and quickly by using Google Erth/Maps service or importing cartography support such as CAD files or images. Thanks to IrriPro's innovative technology it's now possible to calculate all the hydraulic parameters and design correctly and efficiently any kind of system.

IrriPro has a CAD-style user friendly interface, designed to be used by engineers, agronomists and other technicians. They have all the analysis tools needed to estimate the consequences of any design choice and to represent the trend of any physical parameter. IrriPro is the only tool that optimizes the use of water and improves the distribution uniformity, increasing the system efficiency and ensuring the correct distribution of water and fertilizers, improving quantity and quality of agricultural production. Reply by biagioterzulli on January 21, 2013irripro 3.1 the best software irrigation designuso da qualche mese la versione 3.1 di irripro notevolmente migliorata ripsetto le precedenti. Trovo IrriPro molto facile da usare e adesso molto performante. Riesco a fare un impianto di 10 ettari in pochi minuti e le operazioni sono adesso molto fluide. Il disegno e il calcolo di una rete di circa 30.000 nodi avviene in pochi minuti e anche il rilievo con google maps e quasi istantaneo.non ho trovato la visione 3D di google.

Ancora presente qualche bug che comunque non compromette il lavoro fatto. Non riesco a fare in questa versione fare le stampe dirette dei disegni e della distinta dei materiali che posso esportare come documenti in formato.dxf e.pdf. Per fare la stampa uso programmi di terze parti (programmi cad per i disegni).complessivamete un buon prodotto ad un prezzo che non ho trovato da nessun'altra parte.

Interessante la formula a consumo per un limitato numero di giorni a partire da 50€.