Jsp Project With Source Code

Mini like small application are use for learning a basic level of JSP programming skills. Big application to development many module learing advance level of JSP development. These list of application with source code aims to develop the user’s programming skills with the dynamic and attractive application.

Java, JSP and MySQL Project on Bus Ticket Booking System

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I have developed Bus ticket reservation project in my 10th semester. This ticket reservation system project source code for BE, Btech, mca, bca, engineering, bs cs, IT, software engineering final year students can submits source code in collage or university. I have uploaded full project source code with database in github. you can download this bus booking system for free.


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mini projects for computer science students

Java source code download

final year project ideas computer science

Online Pharmacy Management System Project in Java is a web application which is developed using JSP, Servlet, and java as the core technology and It’s using MYSQL as a back end database. Application is following the complete MVC architecture and the maven as a build tool.The main objective to develop this (online Pharmacy Management System project) is to manage medical shop like this will be online medical where an admin can add the stock in the shop (Application). And a customer view that medicine and request it to purchase. The user can buy medicine only.

Project title: Online Pharmacy Management SystemFront-End: Jsp, Html, CSS, JS.Server-side: Servlet.Back-end: MYSQL.Server: Tomcat 8.5.Online Pharmacy management System project description and ModuleAdmin:Admin can view the new Pharmacist List.Admin can Add new Pharmacist in the database.Admin can add the medicine stock.Admin can Edit/Update/Delete Medicine.User:User can view medicine.User can book the medicine.User can contact to the pharmacist for the medicine delivery.Online Pharmacy Management System project in java is developed for all the platforms. Which will be deployed on the local server called tomcat 8.5.

As an Architecture its following complete MVC architecture and maven tool as a build tool. This project is not for the real-time application you can use this for college submission, Minor project for the college student, Major project for the college student.Contact to download source code and configurationSkype Id: jcodebunEmail: jcodebun@gmail.comPrice: 800 INRNote: If you need the source code you can contact.

We will provide complete source code with project reports and the team will configure complete project at your machine remotely. We will explain the complete flow of the application with source code.Codebun Declaration:This is the Academic project for the students or learner. This is not a real-time project So all the real-time functionality like payment or mail are using only for the demo it is not real.